Embrace the precious you of today...

The space in between, the space of acceptance and transition…

What was is no longer, what is to come is still on its way, where you are now is the what is, you are in the space between of who you were and who you are becoming, you are now in the space between where you have been and where you are going, this is the space of acceptance and transition.  There is no urgency here in space in between realisations, everything happens here in its own time and there is much to appreciate here in the space of acceptance and transition.  Here you will discover so much about yourself, here you will discover so much about the life you have created, here you will reflect on the life you have moved on from and here you will find inspiration in the life you want to create.  Life is a continual transition between spaces, of acceptance, of reflection, of creation, of beginnings and of achievements.  

Here in the space of transition, the space of reflection and creation, gifts manifest, this is the space of acceptance and appreciation, the space of realisations, revisions, realignment.  This is a time to purge, a time to release what is no longer fitting, a time to shift, a time to cleanse and a time to replenish.  This is a time to appreciate all you have endured, this is a time to appreciate how far you have come and what you have transitioned through, and all you have achieved in doing so.  This is a time to appreciate all the experience life has given you, how you have grown and evolved and a time to cultivate, a time to create.  As you travel through the space of acceptance and transition you are shifting, evolving and exploring where you are and what it is to be you.  This is a time of preparation, becoming ready to embrace the beginning of something new, soon to be realised, unfolding in the time it takes to unfold, this space of transition in between your personal worlds.    

Here you can just be and let be…

This space of transition provides you with the opportunity to revise and recreate, to reinvent and be reborn, here you can just be and let be, here you can allow and accept you evolution is taking place.  This is your opportunity to reconnect, It feels different here, you feel different here in this space there is a sense of completion and a sense of anticipation of what is to soon to be realised.  As you release where you have been, something will shift within you, as you come the acceptance of what was is no longer, something will shift within you, as you begin to appreciate where you are now, something will shift within you.  And if you allow this shift to take place, if you allow yourself the time to process, to think through, to progress, in this time of discovery you’ll find a sense of peace within, an acceptance.  Embracing this space will prepare you for what is to come, life is giving you the opportunity to create, life is giving you time to explore all possibilities, here life is transforming you. 

This is a beautiful space, it’s precious, it’s a time to it is time to redesign, to reformulate, to reconstruct, it is a creative time, a time to feel inspired by the life you have lived and life you are still creating.  It is a time to do what you haven’t done before, it is a time to get to who you are now that you have experienced what you have experienced, it is valuable and productive.  It is a time to consider what is important, it is a time to know yourself, to value who you are, when something shifts within you it is reflected in how you see yourself, it is reflected in your appearance and in your behaviour.  This is a chance to see yourself differently, you are everything you need to be, this is a chance to embrace the magic that is you, you have everything you need available to you. 

There is no urgency here…

What was is gone and what is to come is still on it’s way, embracing this beautiful space of transformation, where you can reflect, where you can sit and be with yourself.  It’s where you pause and breathe, it’s where you reacquaint yourself with your beliefs, where you be with yourself,  a space to know yourself more fully, a space to understand what it is to be you and what is important to you.  This is a time to see the magic in you, this is time to believe in yourself and cultivate trust in the way life is unfolding, before you breathe life into what comes next.

Know there is no urgency, know you are exactly where you need to be to get to where you are going, know you are here in the space of transition because you are becoming.  How long this metamorphosis takes is how long it is meant to take, what shifts within you while you are here is meant to shift within you, this is what you need right now.  This is it’s gift to you, this is your time to reconnect with yourself, to reconsider, to recreate, to heal and remember who you are, the truth of what it is to be you.  Believe in the magic that is you, the magic you bring to life,  there is magic in your life, the magic is you, allow this space of transition to exist, allow yourself to embrace the precious you of today because tomorrow you’ll be transformed.  

Love life and life will love you back.  


Embrace the precious you of today...