Have faith in yourself...

Your most powerful relationship is with yourself…

Your relationship with yourself is the most influential relationship you have in your life, how you feel about yourself influences every choice you make, how you feel about yourself influences how you behave, how you feel about yourself influences your reality.  How you feel about yourself can stop you embracing all the opportunities your life gives you, how you feel about yourself affects the way you live life, how you feel about yourself affects how you interact with life.   Your relationship with yourself influences how you interact with people, how you interact with your family, with your partner, with your colleagues, with your friends, it is the relationship that determines all others.  How you feel about yourself influences your perception of the world you live in and how you live in the world.  Your relationship with yourself is the most important relationship in your life, and this is the relationship you should focus on first.  

When you believe in yourself you feel worthy of love, worthy of joy, worthy of laughter, you feel worthy of a life you are happy living.  Being authentic in who you are and being honest with yourself about how you feel about yourself will change your life.  When you begin to do what sits with you, when you begin to do what feels right to you, you position yourself to attract the life you really want to live and it all begins with your relationship to yourself.  

How you talk to yourself is so important…

Self-talk is what you say to yourself, your inner dialogue, the voice you hear as you go about doing what you are doing, how you talk to yourself is so influential.  Your inner talk influences what you believe, your self belief defines how you feel about life, cultivating a better relationship with yourself is self care.  You can change how you feel about yourself by becoming aware of your inner dialogue and changing the way you talk to yourself.  You may have an inner critic you’d like to silence, you may have limiting beliefs that hold you back from doing what you really want to do, you may need to remind yourself you have what it takes, that you are enough so you can do what you really want to do.  You may have self doubts that keep you from being who you know you can be, you may need to remind yourself that it is ok to be you and that you are perfect just the way you are.  You may not like your body, you may feel like it is betraying you, you may need to remind yourself that this is the body your soul has chosen to be it’s vessel and it  carries you through your life, it is remarkable in what it achieves everyday, you are remarkable and you are beautiful just the way you are.  Becoming aware of how you are talking to yourself will help create the life you really want, will help you identify what is holding you back, help you determine what you need to work on so you believe in yourself again.  When you believe in yourself, you are less likely to be defined by what you think is expected of you, what you perceive the expectations of others are.  If you are not feeling good about yourself, you are vulnerable to being influenced by your environment and the people you surround yourself with, if you are not feeling good about yourself you may feel like you are not good enough.  People are attracted to you by how you express yourself, by your vibration, by how you interact with them, by how you carry yourself, if you are not authentic in who you are, they can’t see the real you and you won’t feel seen.  When you try to be be someone other than who you are, on some level people sense this, when you get caught up into trying to fit in where you don’t belong, you won’t feel like you belong.  Don’t just exist in your life, create a life that communicates the real you, the magic that is you, being authentic in who you are and how you express yourself will help you find where you belong.     

How you feel about yourself influences how you interact with life…

How you feel about yourself, your self-belief determines how you interact with life, your relationship with yourself is the most influential relationship your will have, it is what will give you the confidence to do what you really want to do.  When you compromise yourself, you compromise your fulfilment, you compromise your happiness, there is a knowingness within you, a belief in yourself where you see the beauty of who you are, the magic that is, where you see the value in being you.  This knowingness is what you call upon when faced with adversity, when faced with difficult decisions, when faced with life’s challenge, it reminds you of who you are and what is important to you.  

Your relationship with yourself is the most influential relationship you have, there is a love of life that exists within you that inspires you to do what you love doing, it inspires you to find people you love being with and it inspires you to live your life well.  When you feel good about yourself you see the adventure your life is and all the  opportunities it is giving you, when you have faith in yourself you believe in life you are living, you believe in the life you are creating.  How you feel about yourself influences how you feel about your life, how you feel about your life influences how you interact in it.  How you feel about yourself influences what you are able to achieve, your relationship with yourself is the most powerful relationship you have.  When you feel good about who you are you are able to embrace all that life has on offer, when you see the beauty of being you, when you see the magic that is you, you see how magical life is.   

Love your life and life will love you back.


Have faith in yourself...