A life aligned to your beliefs is a life well lived...

We are born with a quest, an evolving story…

We are born with a quest, an evolving story we continue to write as we go about living life, a quest to remember who we are.  We are born with a curiosity, a desire to explore, this is how we evolve, this is how we gain knowledge and understanding, this is how we develop beliefs.  Through experience we create, through exploration into who we are we create, why we do what we do, why we believe what we believe.  We are here to create a life in harmony with our beliefs in a sustainable way, we are here to create a life in harmony with our surroundings in a sustainable way, we are here to reconnect.  In this modern world we have lost our sense of connection, our connection to nature and our connection to our true nature, being at one with ourselves and at one with nature gives us the sense of belonging we all crave.

To understand who we are, why we do what we do, our true nature, is the quest, to be at peace with oneself is our quest.  This desire to explore, the desire to engage, the desire to experience, is life reminding us of who we are and also that we came here to evolve, there is design to our existence.  We each have a path, we each have a reason for being and it is through this exploration and the experience of being here that we evolve.  Life is an ecosystem and you are an integral part of this system, you are influential, able to create and interact within life through everything you do.  When you act in an authentic way, aligned to what you believe, you contribute in your unique way, a powerful way.  There is always be a way to do what you want to do, when you align your beliefs with what you are doing, when you believe you a part of something bigger, you connect with all that is and become who you are destined to be.  

You were born with a quest…

You were born with a quest, you were born with this body to explore what it is to be you, you were born into circumstances to explore what it is to be you, you born to reconnect with the truth of who you are.  You were born with natural talents and abilities and you were born with the desire to create, to be innovative, to explore what you can do.  Living your life aligned with your beliefs connects you to the reason you are here, when you are true to yourself trust is inspired, people trust people who are at one with themselves, people trust people who are comfortable within themselves.

When you align your beliefs to your actions a trust for life develops and life inspires you to continue to create the life you came here to create this lifetime for the experience it gives you.  Understanding who you are, your true nature and aligning your life with this brings contentment, being at peace with yourself and your surroundings brings contentment.  When you feel content inspiration follows, when you feel inspired you feel alive, there is a life forces that radiates from within and you flow in the direction you are meant to go.  

The truth of who you are comes from within…

You are divine and there is design to your existence, you exist to evolve through the experience of being here, your life has purpose, your life has meaning, your life is divine and this the reason you are here.  Your quest is grow and understand, to evolve who you are and why you are here, the truth exists within you, it is the connection you seek, it is the nature of all things and you can be at one with it.  The truth of who you are exists in the life you live as well, there is design in the things you do, there is design in what you create by exploring the choices you make and the action you take.  Don’t stay where you don’t belong, if you feel have outgrown where you are, if you are restless and discontent, take this opportunity to explore what you can do and see what you the changes you can make, explore what it is to be you.   When opportunity knocks at your door, it easy to see the design that is exists in your life, it doesn’t feel random, it feels fated, connected, synchronised.  But when things don’t go to plan and there are upsets and challenges, when you struggle to comprehend what is happening, it is hard to reconcile why you are experiencing such an experience.  This is when the truth of who you are comes into focus, connecting to your true nature through what you are experiencing reminds you of what it is to be you.  

The truth of who you are is in the wisdom within you and with this knowingness you are able to embrace whatever life presents you with, able to experience what you experience for the wisdom it brings you.  The truth of who you are exists in the life you live, the way you live this life, a life aligned to your beliefs, what you believe about yourself and about life as well, is a life well lived.  Trust yourself because you do know, there is wisdom within you and you can be guided by it, explore what it is to be you, be curious about life, you are evolving and your life has meaning, seek connection, be at one with your nature, be at one with yourself.  You can be content with who you are, you can be content with the life you are busy creating, when you feel content inspiration follows, you can be your own inspiration, this is your quest.

Love life and life will love you back.


A life aligned to your beliefs is a life well lived...