Life is imperfect...

Life is imperfect, it is exquisite in it’s imperfection and you are too…

Imperfection is beauty, imperfection is art, imperfection is natural, life is perfectly imperfect and you are perfectly imperfect too.  Where you are right now is exactly where you are meant to be and how you feel right now is exactly how you are meant to feel, life is imperfect and you are perfectly imperfect just the way you are. There is always a bigger picture to be considered and you fit perfectly within this picture, take the pressure off, you don’t have to conform to a particular narrative, or culture or scene, you can be exactly who you want be.  Of-course there are times in life where may have to do something uncomfortable or you have somewhere else, or you can’t do what you want to be doing.   These challenging times are so valuable too as they give such experience and insight, the more you challenge yourself, the more you realise just how resilient you are.   You are where you are because this is where you are meant to be, you are on you way to somewhere and though you may take detours or stop along the way, you will eventually get there.  It’s the detours and the stops that make life interesting, life is not perfect and neither are you, don’t be too hard on yourself, take the pressure off because you will eventually get there.  Life is quest, a quest to know yourself, to discover what it is to be you.   If you can do

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You are remarkable...

Your life is the living expression of the magic that is you…

Your life is the living expression of the magic that is you, the magic of creation exists in you, you don’t simply exist, you create with every breath you take, you create with every thought and you empower with everything to do.  Your life is a living expression of all that is to be you, everything you have experienced, all you have imagined, everything you have achieved and everything you are still achieving.  Every experience, everything you have manifested, what you have been through has evolved you into who you are today.  Your life is a gift that keeps giving, appreciate how far you have come and be grateful for everything it has shown you, every situation, every transition has something to offer you, has a purpose, there is a reason you are where you are. Knowing there is a reason why you have experienced what you have experienced will help you to see opportunities that exist in your life right now.  Knowing there is a purpose to whatever is happening will help you see potential of what you are doing.  Seeing your potential will help you have the confidence to continue doing what you want to do, and having confidence will help you become who you want to become.  When you see potentials and opportunities around you, you see the magic in life unfolding before your eyes and it is easier to live in wonder of what is to come and where you will end up.  Your life has

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Your soul sings with knowledge...

There is a knowingness that exists within you…

We are all guided, there is a knowingness that exists within us, our soul sings with it’s knowledge, it is natural and it is what connects us.  We all have this knowingness available to us, it washes over us when we need it most and reconnects us to our purpose, the path we incarnated into, the track we take when we feel unencumbered by lack or doubt, uninterrupted by disbelief, it’s when we recognise our truth.  Our soul sings with this truth, it offers us guidance and inspires us into action, it asks us to celebrate our uniqueness and see our individuality so we are able to shine.   This natural sense feels familiar, meant to be, connected and in sync with life, life is cyclical and we realign with it’s purpose when we are reminded of what is important, when we are reminded of our value and of how worthwhile our life is.  Wonderful ideas can spring to life when we feel supported by life, when we feel rejuvenated and inspired by the possibilities and potentials that exist within us.  When we reconnect with what we are about and what we would like to achieve, we connect with our story, whatever it is we came here to do, to contribute, we recognise its wisdom.  This knowingness is what makes our soul sing, excites us and inspires us to continue to create, it is our self expression, our reality and whatever we are doing with this reality, it feels right.

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Happy Easter

Happy Easter

Happy Easter, happy reflection, happy release and happy resurrection. The date chosen for Easter each year is governed by the moon, Easter Sunday falls on the first Sunday after the Full Moon and has its traditions based in Pagan times.  Easter stories date back before Christianity to Old English, Old Saxon, Old Germanic times, where the pagan goddess Eostre, Ostara or Eastre were celebrated, ushering the arrival of Spring.  These are the stories of life and rebirth, renewal, stories of triumph over suffering, stories of faith and hope associated with the arrival of Spring, but we in the Southern Hemisphere ushering in the arrival of Autumn, so our stories could be ones of reflection, of recognition, of release and resurrection.     Life has a habit of reminding us what is important and also what is no longer sits well with where we are now, with who we are now, with who we have evolved into. We are reminded of desires we had and want we’d like now, it reminds us of times of change and how they evolved us.  Your past is a part of you, you carry it with you, it’s a right of passage and has shaped who you have become, reflecting on the past will stir up long forgotten desires and perhaps ignite something deep within you, that still calls to be realised.  Maybe in the course of reflection you realise this stirs within you, it’s flame is reignited within you, this is a rebirth that

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Where to from here

Where to from here…

Figuring out what’s next, where to from here, comes when you are in a cycle of change, where you may just be sensing a change is needed or your circumstances have changed and you are now faced with decisions about what to do now.  Faced with the “ what nows and where to’s” seems to be a perfect time to consider your calling, we all have one, it’s what makes life interesting, it’s what makes you interesting and expressing it will change your life, the clue is within you.  The clue is within you, it’s in each phase of life, it’s in each experience, each encounter, it’s in how you’ve changed, grown and evolved through this ongoing process of change called living.  Where are you on your journey, what phase of life are you up to and what is calling to you, this is the perfect time to assess where you are and what you want, a perfect time to get acquainted with who you are now.  You are stronger and you are wiser as you have evolved through the life you have lived so far, through all your experiences, through everything you have learnt, get acquainted with the new you so you can figure out where to from here.   Take your time, you do have time, think about what you could have done better, think about where you’ve been, what challenged you and how it inspired you, there are powerful effects to betterment, you become more confident and

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Don't be afraid to dream

The Universe is intervening, igniting your imagination…

The Universe is intervening, giving you a glimpse of what can be, to inspire you, to ignite your imagination and lift your spirits, don’t be afraid to dream.  Your dreams, your aspirations have inspired you in the past, they have moved you into action and helped you become who you are today.  Dreams shape our reality, it’s ok to wish, to want and to explore where this could take you, and it’s ok to believe because when you believe in yourself, when you trust life, life unfolds more smoothly.   It’s ok to dream, even if you’ve carried it with you for quite some time and it still quietly whispers to you, reminding you it’s there, especially when you need it most.  It always awakens something in you, it always evolves as you evolve too, the winds of change may be blowing and when they blow, they blow for a reason, something in your life is transforming and it brings opportunity.  You are being transformed, your dream is transforming, you have more vision, it’s evolving and more aligned with the person you have become, more aligned with what is important to you now, more aligned with your self worth.  Don’t be afraid to dream, you have this dream so you become who you can become, something about it is real, something within it is speaking to you, calling you to pay attention, asking you to evolve.  It may be a constant in your life, one you modify and revise over

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Love begins with you...

Love begins with you…

Love begins with you, loving who you are, loving where you are in your life and loving life itself, when you love life, life itself loves you back and you feel it.  You are here to explore what you love, to find passion in what you do and to be in love with the life you are creating, so you can find where you belong.        Love begins with you, this is where you belong, this is where you discover more about yourself and know what is in your heart, what your heart wants.  Your heart knows what you want, your heart knows where you belong, your heart knows what you are missing, your heart knows where you will find what you are seeking, you heart knows you.  When you follow your heart, when you are your true to yourself, when you love your life, life loves you back. When life loves you back everything feels connected, you feel connected with that which you are always known, you encounter a oneness within you.  This is where you witness the design that exists in your life, you are at one with life itself, it is the sense of connection that touches you so profoundly, the belonging and the recognition that creates the desires that rise within you and inspires you to be the real you, your soul remembers who you are.  Love begins with you, love who you are, be in love with life, be touched by what you

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Life is flowing

There is magic in the way life unfolds…

There is magic in the way life unfolds, there is design in what happens and when it happens, it is divine and all we need do is learn how to navigate it.  You are navigating your way through your life, through the tough times, through the better times, trying to make sense of why you are where you are, trying to make sense of what seems random but isn’t random at all.  When it all becomes clearer, when you see why, when you witness the reasons, you realise what happened, what is happening, and why.  You are in a story, this is your story and it’s unfolding just the way it should, as you turn each page, as you understand more, you get more acquainted with yourself and you see what you are made of.  This is your story and there is meaning to your existence, you are connected to life and it flows with you, life is flowing with you not against you, it is giving you an opportunity to grow, to evolve and become. Life does indeed flow, it gives you the opportunity to embrace it’s rhythm, if you can go with the flow and recognise it’s story you experience a greater sense of connection to the life you are living.  When you feel connected to what you are doing, to where you are placed and what is unfolding, everything you need to get you to where you are wanting to go appears.   This is your story

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You are worth it...

Investing in the idea that is already a part of your story…

Idea’s that are already a part of your story stay with you, they reoccur and keep calling to you, they give you glimpses into what may be possible and connect you to the knowingness that exists within you, they are the ideas worth investigating.  Somewhere within you something is speaking to you and stirs your soul, it challenges you to be open, to openly consider the possibility of this being a reality. There is a feeling that washes over you when you consider this, the feeling is the seed, it’s the birth of the concept itself and as it grows with you, it haunts you and stays with you even when you are distracted by life.  This is how you know you this idea is already a part of your story, as time passes it is still with you, it’s still there and it’s worth investing yourself into.      This idea has become a part of your story… It is the idea that has attracted you for quite a while, it’s been sitting there quietly within you, rising every so often to remind you it is still there, when it slips into your consciousness it is showing you there is more for you to do, more for you to aspire to.  It is a prominent idea that has become a part of your story and when the winds of change blow it gives you an opportunity to explore it, to consider if it is worth investing in, to investigate

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Your inner guidance system...

An Intuitive Life – Living Intuitively…

The Oxford dictionary defines Intuition in this way “The ability to understand something instinctively with out the need for conscious reasoning”.  Intuition is an instinct.  Instinct is defined as “a natural intuitive power, a natural or innate impulse, inclination or tendency, a natural aptitude”.  Intuition is instinctual, a feeling, a knowing, a truth we sense, it is a sense just like our other senses, sight, sound, smell, taste and touch, we all have this ability to know what we know.  We all have the ability to trust this knowing, it resides within us, it’s subtle but strong, it is a part of us, our inner guidance system and available to us whenever we choose to hear it.   We all have this natural ability and the way to develop it is to use it, it takes practise, the more we trust it the more we trust ourselves, there is no need to debate it, it is a knowing.  Being able to listen, to sense, to feel this brings greater understanding of what it is to be you, understanding yourself is not as easy as it sounds.   Knowing yourself is not as easy as it sounds… Knowing yourself takes courage, being able to be honest with yourself and accept who you are is liberating and well worth contemplating.  Knowing yourself will help you identify your inner dialogues, understanding your inner dialogues will help you distinguish which voice is speaking, which voice is influencing your interactions with life.  You have a

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