A life aligned to your beliefs is a life well lived...

We are born with a quest, an evolving story…

We are born with a quest, an evolving story we continue to write as we go about living life, a quest to remember who we are.  We are born with a curiosity, a desire to explore, this is how we evolve, this is how we gain knowledge and understanding, this is how we develop beliefs.  Through experience we create, through exploration into who we are we create, why we do what we do, why we believe what we believe.  We are here to create a life in harmony with our beliefs in a sustainable way, we are here to create a life in harmony with our surroundings in a sustainable way, we are here to reconnect.  In this modern world we have lost our sense of connection, our connection to nature and our connection to our true nature, being at one with ourselves and at one with nature gives us the sense of belonging we all crave. To understand who we are, why we do what we do, our true nature, is the quest, to be at peace with oneself is our quest.  This desire to explore, the desire to engage, the desire to experience, is life reminding us of who we are and also that we came here to evolve, there is design to our existence.  We each have a path, we each have a reason for being and it is through this exploration and the experience of being here that we evolve.  Life is an ecosystem and you

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Embrace the precious you of today...

The space in between, the space of acceptance and transition…

What was is no longer, what is to come is still on its way, where you are now is the what is, you are in the space between of who you were and who you are becoming, you are now in the space between where you have been and where you are going, this is the space of acceptance and transition.  There is no urgency here in space in between realisations, everything happens here in its own time and there is much to appreciate here in the space of acceptance and transition.  Here you will discover so much about yourself, here you will discover so much about the life you have created, here you will reflect on the life you have moved on from and here you will find inspiration in the life you want to create.  Life is a continual transition between spaces, of acceptance, of reflection, of creation, of beginnings and of achievements.   Here in the space of transition, the space of reflection and creation, gifts manifest, this is the space of acceptance and appreciation, the space of realisations, revisions, realignment.  This is a time to purge, a time to release what is no longer fitting, a time to shift, a time to cleanse and a time to replenish.  This is a time to appreciate all you have endured, this is a time to appreciate how far you have come and what you have transitioned through, and all you have achieved in doing so.  This is a

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Your purest you knows...

You, in your purest form knows life is an opportunity to evolve…

Life is as an opportunity to evolve, we are born in our purest form into the life of our parents, we grow and explore as we evolve into our individuality, we are curious and we mimic those around us until we develop a sense of self.  Our existence provides us with the opportunity to grow and evolve, our existence provides us with the opportunity to transform situations by our engagement with them, the fact that we exist is not mere consequence, there is a reason we are here.  We are not limited by our circumstances, we have the opportunity to transcend situations, this transcendence requires faith in ourselves and faith there is a purpose to life itself.   Life is an opportunity for our soul to evolve, an opportunity to grow beyond our limitations, an opportunity to transcend the issues that arise, the issues that help us become more aware.  As we develop a greater sense of self, a greater understanding of who we are and the environment we live in, we grow and evolve.  The experience of being here gives us an intimate look into ourselves, gives us the ability to comprehend our evolution, the ability to understand who we are and why we are here, so we can be the purest version of our souls expression here in this environment.   Outgrowing situations are a part of life… The belief that life has a purpose, a platform for self expression, gives us the opportunity to understand who we

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Do what is right for you..

Making authentically aligned decisions…

Every decision we make impacts our future and affects what happens next, life is complicated but it does give us the opportunity to choose what to do, making authentically aligned decisions make better choices but choosing what is right for you is not always easy.  Being authentic requires courage so making the right choice is a big deal because everything you do influences what happens next, everything you do shapes your future.  We are faced with decisions everyday, some we don’t give much thought to at all but others seem to stop us in our tracks, sometimes a decision feels serious.  Everything we do, all our choices, the big decisions and the littles ones, have implications which is why being authentic and doing what is right for you is so important.  There is a knowingness within you that guides you, it is recognisable and feels heaven sent, somewhere deep within you do know what to do.  Becoming aware of this guidance, allow yourself time to consider what you to do when faced with choice, will help you identify what feels right, will help you make an authentically aligned decision. This knowingness may be as subtle as a whisper, just an inkling or it may be something stronger, like a haunting, the truth is there and when you act upon it, you do what is right for you, you act authentically. Doing what is right for you isn’t always easy… When you are faced with difficult decisions, complicated choices, when there

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Have faith in yourself...

Your most powerful relationship is with yourself…

Your relationship with yourself is the most influential relationship you have in your life, how you feel about yourself influences every choice you make, how you feel about yourself influences how you behave, how you feel about yourself influences your reality.  How you feel about yourself can stop you embracing all the opportunities your life gives you, how you feel about yourself affects the way you live life, how you feel about yourself affects how you interact with life.   Your relationship with yourself influences how you interact with people, how you interact with your family, with your partner, with your colleagues, with your friends, it is the relationship that determines all others.  How you feel about yourself influences your perception of the world you live in and how you live in the world.  Your relationship with yourself is the most important relationship in your life, and this is the relationship you should focus on first.   When you believe in yourself you feel worthy of love, worthy of joy, worthy of laughter, you feel worthy of a life you are happy living.  Being authentic in who you are and being honest with yourself about how you feel about yourself will change your life.  When you begin to do what sits with you, when you begin to do what feels right to you, you position yourself to attract the life you really want to live and it all begins with your relationship to yourself.   How you talk to yourself

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You can be your own inspiration...

You can be your own inspiration…

You can be your own inspiration because you are inspirational, you can achieve what you want to achieve just by being you, life is your pathway to finding self expression and your supports you, this is it’s purpose.  The person you know yourself to be is complete, the person you know yourself to be has courage and is brave, you are creative and the person you know yourself to be is your muse.  You can be your own inspiration because you are inspirational.   Being able to embrace whatever life presents you with, seeing life as a platform for self expression, an invitation to be creative with each experience, expressing the magic that is you in a way that inspires you, your life provides you with the opportunity to be all you want to be.  When you stop shying away from expressing yourself and invest in magic that is you, allowing yourself to shine, to be animated, to radiate with life, life provides you with the opportunity to be seen.  You can be your own inspiration because you are inspirational.   Have the confidence to be who you know you are… Feelings of lack, of not being enough, of not having enough, can stop you from fully participating in life, feelings of lack can stop you making the most of the opportunities life presents you with.  Letting go of perceived expectations that make you feel less than who you are, that make you feel incomplete or ill-equipped, feeling inadequate will

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Life is a personal journey

This is your journey, a journey personal to you…

Our life is an expedition through each experience, it shapes how we evolve, it is a personal journey, a journey personal to you, we all have our own unique way of moving through life.  Your personal journey, how you move through life, is what defines who you become, it is an exploration of your life’s path, your reason for being here.  As you journey your way through each experience, you adventure into where life is positioning you to evolve into who you are becoming.  This expedition is why you are here, it is your destiny, it has reason and meaning, your purpose is to grow and life gives you the opportunity to do so.   Life can be uncomfortable, it often throws us into situations that can be confronting and challenging, situations that are both difficult and rewarding, this is how life reminds us of what is important.  Everything we experience shapes who we become and fashions our view on life, it affects how we interact and how we react, everything we experience is a part of the journey we came here to take so it is what how we move through each experience that is important.   Accepting what is happening can be difficult, sometimes it takes a while to process what is going on and you have your own individual way of processing, you have patterns of behaviours based on what you have been through, where you have been and what you have seen.  How you get through

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You've been blessed

You’ve been blessed…

You’ve been blessed, there is always something to be grateful for, feeling fortunate is a perspective.  Appreciating your good fortune isn’t about how much you have or what you have achieved, it isn’t about your house or your car or your status, it’s about accepting where you are at in life, being able to accept what is happening and seeing the value in the experience it is giving you.  Seeing value in what you are able to do and what you are able to create with what is happening, in whatever is also a perspective, an attitude, an approach to live your life by.  How you go about living your life determines how happy you feel, being able to appreciate the way you live, how you are participating in life, will help you feel happier about the life you are living.  There is always something to be grateful for, you are fortunate to have the time you have, you are fortunate to be able to do what you, you are fortunate to be who you are.   Being able to appreciate where you are in life and valuing the experience life has given you, seeing the value in what you have been able to do will help feel happier about how your life is evolving.  Seeing the value in the person you are will help you feel happier about how you are evolving and when you feel happier about who are you and the life you are living, you will

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Life is imperfect...

Life is imperfect, it is exquisite in it’s imperfection and you are too…

Imperfection is beauty, imperfection is art, imperfection is natural, life is perfectly imperfect and you are perfectly imperfect too.  Where you are right now is exactly where you are meant to be and how you feel right now is exactly how you are meant to feel, life is imperfect and you are perfectly imperfect just the way you are. There is always a bigger picture to be considered and you fit perfectly within this picture, take the pressure off, you don’t have to conform to a particular narrative, or culture or scene, you can be exactly who you want be.  Of-course there are times in life where may have to do something uncomfortable or you have somewhere else, or you can’t do what you want to be doing.   These challenging times are so valuable too as they give such experience and insight, the more you challenge yourself, the more you realise just how resilient you are.   You are where you are because this is where you are meant to be, you are on you way to somewhere and though you may take detours or stop along the way, you will eventually get there.  It’s the detours and the stops that make life interesting, life is not perfect and neither are you, don’t be too hard on yourself, take the pressure off because you will eventually get there.  Life is quest, a quest to know yourself, to discover what it is to be you.   If you can do

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You are remarkable...

Your life is the living expression of the magic that is you…

Your life is the living expression of the magic that is you, the magic of creation exists in you, you don’t simply exist, you create with every breath you take, you create with every thought and you empower with everything to do.  Your life is a living expression of all that is to be you, everything you have experienced, all you have imagined, everything you have achieved and everything you are still achieving.  Every experience, everything you have manifested, what you have been through has evolved you into who you are today.  Your life is a gift that keeps giving, appreciate how far you have come and be grateful for everything it has shown you, every situation, every transition has something to offer you, has a purpose, there is a reason you are where you are. Knowing there is a reason why you have experienced what you have experienced will help you to see opportunities that exist in your life right now.  Knowing there is a purpose to whatever is happening will help you see potential of what you are doing.  Seeing your potential will help you have the confidence to continue doing what you want to do, and having confidence will help you become who you want to become.  When you see potentials and opportunities around you, you see the magic in life unfolding before your eyes and it is easier to live in wonder of what is to come and where you will end up.  Your life has

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