Having faith in yourself gives you faith in the life you are busy creating, the life you have lived and the life that awaits you, when you have faith in yourself you are able to trust. If only we all could live confidently through anything that life presents us with, if only we could trust and believe there is some design in the life we are experiencing, if only we allowed ourselves to trust when things get rough. If you were able to trust your life’s process knowing you are only given what you can handle, embracing the tough times and being your true self through them would be much easier. Having faith in yourself brings responsibility, having faith in yourself allows you to treat yourself fairly, to be kind to yourself while you go through what you are going through and to believe in the life you are living rather than doubting you can do anything with it. Having faith in yourself brings peace and a deeper sense of connection to all that is, this connection will motivate you, will guide you through any difficulties and is available to you in any given moment. Having faith in yourself takes practise, being able to trust yourself and believe in the life you are creating is mastery.
If you can master trusting yourself, you’ll be able to trust all life presents you with, all you are experience for the experience it gives you, if you can master trusting yourself you will flow through whatever life has inshore for you. You have an internal guidance system that operates automatically through lots life adventures where you instinctively know what is the right thing to do and this inner knowing is available to you at any time and it is your true self, your finest self, that speaks within you. It’s here to help you recognise and embrace all life has to offer, you have the ability to decipher what life is about for you, you have the ability to connect with your truth and live in a way that is aligned to that truth. There is evidence of this in all aspects of your life, in the times when you trusted yourself and acted accordingly, in the times when you believed in what you were doing and opportunity after opportunity presented in a way that life simply flowed. This is the evidence you can draw upon to give you the confidence you need today, the moments in life that changed your life, where you were excited about the possibilities life presented you with, where it seemed easier to have faith in yourself, where you witness the potential within you and you had hope.
Hope is a great motivator, hope is contagious and it gives you strength to keep going through the tough times, it gives you breath when you need it most. Hope gives you the ability to breathe life into your desires, to breathe life into your goals so they blossom into being and life flows with opportunity. You have hope so you can be your own inspiration, so you can become who you are meant to become, so you believing in yourself and what you are busy creating. You have hope so you are grateful for the life you are experiencing, you have hope so you appreciate all you are learning through each of life’s experiences, you have hope so you can become who you are meant to become.
Having faith in yourself and faith in the life you are living is what life is all about. Having faith in yourself will bring you joy, having faith in yourself will bring you abundance, having faith in yourself is an attitude and with this attitude you will feel fulfilment. You have embodied this life for the experience of living it, live it well, live it meaningfully, live it purposefully, for it will reward you with contentment and harmony. Believe in yourself and believe in the life you are living, trust the wisdom of this life, trust the wisdom that resides within it and within you, it is your greatness, it is your truest self.
Your truest self has hope, your truest self has the ability to trust, your truest self has faith. Having faith in yourself and faith in the life you are busy creating gives you the ability to trust and when you trust yourself it easy to trust life, when you trust yourself your life becomes the expression of the magic that is you.
Love life and life will love you back.