Your purest you knows...

You, in your purest form knows life is an opportunity to evolve…

Life is as an opportunity to evolve, we are born in our purest form into the life of our parents, we grow and explore as we evolve into our individuality, we are curious and we mimic those around us until we develop a sense of self.  Our existence provides us with the opportunity to grow and evolve, our existence provides us with the opportunity to transform situations by our engagement with them, the fact that we exist is not mere consequence, there is a reason we are here.  We are not limited by our circumstances, we have the opportunity to transcend situations, this transcendence requires faith in ourselves and faith there is a purpose to life itself.  

Life is an opportunity for our soul to evolve, an opportunity to grow beyond our limitations, an opportunity to transcend the issues that arise, the issues that help us become more aware.  As we develop a greater sense of self, a greater understanding of who we are and the environment we live in, we grow and evolve.  The experience of being here gives us an intimate look into ourselves, gives us the ability to comprehend our evolution, the ability to understand who we are and why we are here, so we can be the purest version of our souls expression here in this environment.  

Outgrowing situations are a part of life…

The belief that life has a purpose, a platform for self expression, gives us the opportunity to understand who we are through everything we experience.  Knowing there is a reason we are experiencing what we experience, understanding there is a reason we are where we are, gives us have faith in our ability to transcend any issues that arise.  We are here for the experience of being here, we are here to evolve through everything we experience, self expression is how we gain an understanding of who we are, our purest self, and what we are capable of.    

Life as an opportunity for growth, outgrowing situations are a part of our evolution, just as we grow and evolve as children, we grow and evolve as adults.  Releasing what no longer serves us is challenging, hanging on to anything that has outlived its purpose in life creates havoc, releasing what is no longer purposeful is an ongoing process and it takes practise.  The dramatics of change are not easy to navigate but change can be liberating and when you believe in your evolution, that you are still evolving, outgrowing situations are a part of life.

When the unexpected happens it can be difficult to comprehend what is really going on, when something feels beyond your control it’s hard to keep your composure and not lose your sense of self.  Staying composed in challenging situations though difficult, it is also rewarding, having confidence when things seem out of control, knowing all you can do is control yourself, control how you respond, you distance yourself from the dramatics and you can choose to express the purest form of you rather than the insecurity you may feel.  Staying centred and calm when life presents you with challenges is a challenge in itself, it takes effort, being able to stop and take a moment to collect your thoughts before taking action takes practise.  In the most uncomfortable, unpredictable, scary or sad, circumstances you still have the ability to be the best you can be, you still have the ability to transcend the situation and allow the situation to evolve you, to know it is a part of your evolution. 

Believe in your worth and life will reward you with the confidence to be you…

There is value in everything you do, you are just as important as anyone else and you contribute to every situation you find yourself in, how you contribute is up to, you have the power to make a difference.   Even if you your choices feel limited, each situation has a purpose, how you choose to act within it is up to you.  You can choose to see each situation as a gift, something to transcend and something to transform, life is presenting you with an opportunity to grow.  When you focus on what you can do rather than what you can’t, when you focus on what you are doing rather than comparing yourself to others, you realise you have options and you can create change.  When you focus on what you have rather than what you haven’t, you transcend any limitations you may perceive.  Even if somewhere along the way you have forgotten just how talented you are, how brave you are, how courageous you have been,  even if you have forgotten just how capable you are, you have evolved. You are capable and you are up for the challenge, you have what it takes because you are still evolving, you do make difference and you can continue to influence the life you are creating.  

You, in your purest form are inspiring and you can be your own inspiration, you compliment every situation, the purest you instinctively knows what to do, the purest you helps you evolve.  There is a reason you are here, there is a reason you were born in these times, there is a reason you have evolved into who you have become and you are still evolving.  You, in your purest form has faith in yourself, has faith in the world around you, has faith in the way life is evolving.  You, in your purest form knows why you are here.

Love your life and life will love you back.


Your purest you knows...