Life is imperfect, it is exquisite in it’s imperfection and you are too…

Life is imperfect...

Imperfection is beauty, imperfection is art, imperfection is natural, life is perfectly imperfect and you are perfectly imperfect too.  Where you are right now is exactly where you are meant to be and how you feel right now is exactly how you are meant to feel, life is imperfect and you are perfectly imperfect just […]

Your life is the living expression of the magic that is you…

You are remarkable...

Your life is the living expression of the magic that is you, the magic of creation exists in you, you don’t simply exist, you create with every breath you take, you create with every thought and you empower with everything to do.  Your life is a living expression of all that is to be you, […]

There is a knowingness that exists within you…

Your soul sings with knowledge...

We are all guided, there is a knowingness that exists within us, our soul sings with it’s knowledge, it is natural and it is what connects us.  We all have this knowingness available to us, it washes over us when we need it most and reconnects us to our purpose, the path we incarnated into, […]

Happy Easter

Happy Easter

Happy Easter, happy reflection, happy release and happy resurrection. The date chosen for Easter each year is governed by the moon, Easter Sunday falls on the first Sunday after the Full Moon and has its traditions based in Pagan times.  Easter stories date back before Christianity to Old English, Old Saxon, Old Germanic times, where […]

Where to from here…

Where to from here

Figuring out what’s next, where to from here, comes when you are in a cycle of change, where you may just be sensing a change is needed or your circumstances have changed and you are now faced with decisions about what to do now.  Faced with the “ what nows and where to’s” seems to […]

The Universe is intervening, igniting your imagination…

Don't be afraid to dream

The Universe is intervening, giving you a glimpse of what can be, to inspire you, to ignite your imagination and lift your spirits, don’t be afraid to dream.  Your dreams, your aspirations have inspired you in the past, they have moved you into action and helped you become who you are today.  Dreams shape our […]

Love begins with you…

Love begins with you...

Love begins with you, loving who you are, loving where you are in your life and loving life itself, when you love life, life itself loves you back and you feel it.  You are here to explore what you love, to find passion in what you do and to be in love with the life […]

There is magic in the way life unfolds…

Life is flowing

There is magic in the way life unfolds, there is design in what happens and when it happens, it is divine and all we need do is learn how to navigate it.  You are navigating your way through your life, through the tough times, through the better times, trying to make sense of why you […]

Investing in the idea that is already a part of your story…

You are worth it...

Idea’s that are already a part of your story stay with you, they reoccur and keep calling to you, they give you glimpses into what may be possible and connect you to the knowingness that exists within you, they are the ideas worth investigating.  Somewhere within you something is speaking to you and stirs your […]

An Intuitive Life – Living Intuitively…

Your inner guidance system...

The Oxford dictionary defines Intuition in this way “The ability to understand something instinctively with out the need for conscious reasoning”.  Intuition is an instinct.  Instinct is defined as “a natural intuitive power, a natural or innate impulse, inclination or tendency, a natural aptitude”.  Intuition is instinctual, a feeling, a knowing, a truth we sense, […]