You've been blessed

You’ve been blessed…

You’ve been blessed, there is always something to be grateful for, feeling fortunate is a perspective.  Appreciating your good fortune isn’t about how much you have or what you have achieved, it isn’t about your house or your car or your status, it’s about accepting where you are at in life, being able to accept what is happening and seeing the value in the experience it is giving you.  Seeing value in what you are able to do and what you are able to create with what is happening, in whatever is also a perspective, an attitude, an approach to live your life by.  How you go about living your life determines how happy you feel, being able to appreciate the way you live, how you are participating in life, will help you feel happier about the life you are living.  There is always something to be grateful for, you are fortunate to have the time you have, you are fortunate to be able to do what you, you are fortunate to be who you are.  

Being able to appreciate where you are in life and valuing the experience life has given you, seeing the value in what you have been able to do will help feel happier about how your life is evolving.  Seeing the value in the person you are will help you feel happier about how you are evolving and when you feel happier about who are you and the life you are living, you will feel more content with the way life is unfolding.  

There is something to be said for contentment…

There is always something to be grateful for, no matter what is going on in life, even if you are struggling and finding life difficult, there is always something to feel blessed about.  You can be grateful for the little things in life, like the sun shining after a week of rain, or a child’s laughter, or a birds sweet song.  You can be grateful that you had a good nights sleep and now you are refreshed and ready for a new day, a better day.  You can be grateful for the mornings peace and quiet while the rest of the house is still blissfully sleeping, you can be grateful you have enough hot water so you enjoy your shower, you can be grateful you haven’t run out of milk and you don’t need to nip down the shops.  There is always something to feel blessed about for even when life seems unfair, unjust or unrewarding, feeling fortunate is a perspective, an attitude, a way to live your life that will bring you some joy even in the toughest of times.      

There is something to be said for contentment, for allowing yourself to feel content with the way things are, allowing yourself to appreciate all you have in your life in this moment in time.  You are still evolving and your life is too, there will always be things you can improve on, plans to be made, changes to navigate you way through, wishes and wants to be desired, and there is also always time to value and appreciate where you are at.  When you take time to pause, to stand back and observe, to breathe and listen, to stop and smell the roses, a sense of contentment, of peace will wash over you.  It is in the quiet moments when you allow your mind to go silent and just be where you are, that you find purpose in what you are doing.  It is in these quiet moments of introspection where there is inspiration in recognising how blessed you are, where you reconnect with your purpose and come back to true self.  It is in these quiet moments that you connect with your inner knowing, with the knowledge that exists with in you, so you have the confidence to be who you know you are, to continue to create and explore what it is to be you.  

Appreciating how blessed you are promotes happiness with you…

Appreciating how blessed you are promotes happiness within you, you experience a sense of freedom and there is joy in living the life you live, these are days where you feel most alive.  Reminding yourself of these days when you get caught up in the drama’s of life, when it’s easy to lose touch with what matters and forget what you are really about, will help you get back on track.   Reminding yourself of what makes you happy, of where you feel more contentment and where you find joy in what you are doing, will help you remember the magic in life and the magic that is you.  You are not simply existing, you are creating with each interaction and there is always something to be grateful for. 

Seeing how fortunate you are to have lived the life you have lived will help you feel happier about the life you are living, being grateful for the life you live now will help you feel happier about the life you are building.  Being able to appreciate your value, your worth, the value in your contribution to the life you live, being able to appreciate the difference you make will give you the confidence to continue to explore where this life is evolving you to.  This is your life, it is the life you choose to live and how to live it is up to you.  Seeing the magic in the life you are creating with the magic that is you is a perspective, an attitude, an approach to the life you are living and there is always something to be grateful for.  

Love life and life will love you back.


You've been blessed